Are you worried about the worsening economic climate?
To be honest this is something that has me worried and I'm still unsure of how bad it may get. I know as men most of us don't like to admit when we're scared but as a prior service US Army Infantry soldier I'll be the first here to say I'm scared man. There's no end in sight to this pandemic here in the US and our economy for regular people is looking like it might get even worse before it begins to start looking any better. I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news or doom and gloom but does your current/longterm financial outlook have anyone else stressed? Do you know anybody that's really taken a hit, lost their job, or a home due to this pandemic? We're obviously still able to leisurely be online browsing hotties right now; but how are you able to be at least somewhat at peace with your financial outlook in these times?

Any good financial tips in the current state of things? Any advice you could share on this topic big ideas or small would be appreciated. Even if there are some things that might seem pretty obvious or mundane to you I hope you can share what's working for you or what you've heard that was some sound advice for right now. And for all of us that aren't financially literate and the young men especially can you break down your answer in explanations where a beginner or "noob" could understand and use whatever advice you have to share.

nah not really, still got a good job but i do wanna go out man

no I'm not worried I'm more worried about the worsening climate and how America is handeling the pandemic. The economy is important but we've placed too much importance on making money

I've found and opened up multiple streams of income for myself during the pandemic and I'm now actually making more money than ever before in my life, though I can say that I know many people who have lost jobs or are in unstable jobs at the moment. I've learned that working for myself can be much more lucrative than the traditional path of working for others as an employee throughout the last few months.

no i think the economy will always bounce back, money is everywhere.

Things alwaysntend to even out. If you are worried about your own economic position look into local benefits.

def worried since so many people dont come in with masks

Nah tbh the worse it gets the more u can abuse it

I think the most important thing it to have minimal debt. That way if you hit a rough spot you're not scrambling with a mailbox full of bills.

A lot easier to make decisions that way

Right not is a good time to have low debt if you don't have any assets to cover. If you have liquidity, now is a good time to get loans because of the low interest.