At what age did you discover porn?
Looking back I believe 14

11 but i didn't quite know how to masturbate until a few years later

[+] 1 user Likes whatthefappings's post
Around 13. Funny fact, since the first picture i saw was of a woman masturbating, i also learned (in a way) what i would be doing for the rest of my life.

I think i was 12

[+] 1 user Likes Dacale's post
I think it was 14 in middle school

Wayyy young. When I was like 8 my friend convinced me to. I didn't watch it regularly till I was like 13.

[+] 1 user Likes Poopball69's post
Found mild hentai and softcore videos around 11. Didnt see any hardcore stuff until a few years later.

About 12 or 13, much earlier than one would expect but www

At 12 years old, in the incredibly early days of the internet when you had to wait minutes for a single image to load...

I was probably about 12 years old when i discovered porn. I kinda wish i never discovered it- its just something i never really needed to see. Kinda fucked me up man.

I was maybe 11 or 12. Still remember first pussy I saw, Barbie Addison.

12 and first vid was alexis texas

ooh also rachel starr

was about 5 I think. Found my bro's porn mags under his mattress. good times

13 friend introduced me to pichunter

18 if I remember correctly, yeah..

Around 13 I think.

Probably the first time I was looking when I was 15.

probably around 14 or 15

12 I think or so

i think 13 for me