At what point does a sandwich become a Poptart and then a Poptart become a ravioli?
Starting with a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, you're already so close to Poptart territory. Granted the crust is replaced with a pastry, but these ingredients are so nebulous to begin with. Thoughts?

maybe if its fits in a toaster

a poptart is a ravoli

It depends on where the bread is

Hey let me help you

The difference between a poptart and a ravioli is baked sugary dough and pasta surrounding whatever is inside. As for when a sandwich become a poptart? That's impossible to tell...

If the sandwich had closed sides so you can’t see the contents inside, it’s a pop tart. I think a pop tart is already a ravioli

This will be debated by psychologists for years to come

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Doesn't that make the sandwich a raw ravioli?