Avast antivirus
Does anyone here use Avast products? The company provides a free antivirus program for home users.

Through its subsidiary, Jumpshot, Avast is alleged to have sold a massive amount of the browser data of users of Avast software to third parties. Buyers are said to include Google, Yelp, Microsoft, McKinsey, Pepsi, Sephora, Condé Nast and many more.

Would you ever trust such a company again and use their products, even if they are free?

My basic rule is if i ever see a company doing something squirrely i stop using their products.

I wouldn't recommend using this antivirus software

I honestly didn't know Avast was still a thing

basic rule should be if its free its a lie and they will try to upsell to you and some even remove certain files you need on your computer or laptop i havent used a antivirus in 17 years of course not going to websites i dont trust or downloading files also helps but if you have to have a antivirus program like Library i used to work at i suggest "Trend Micro Titanium"

yeah theres no real reason to trust them when theres better alternatives for free

avast is not bad for real time protection. the best imo is malwarebytes

Does avast work for the corona virus?

never heard anything good from it

I recommed Avast and Norton

I don't believe anti virus software is necessary as long as you use best practice on your computer. So don't run executable from somewhere you wouldn't give your email, use an ad block to block site miners and data collectors, try to use open source software when possible, and never give a program admin rights if you don't know why it needs it. If you follow these your built-in Windows Defender should be sufficient.

I don't see a need for an antivirus now that Window Defender has gotten so much development from Microsoft, pretty much covers all your needs.