Avatar the Last Airbender Netflix Live Action Series
Netflix has been working on a live action adaption of ATLA, and it just came out recently that the original show's creators are no longer going to be involved with it. One of the creators said this: "It might turn out to be a show many of you end up enjoying. But what I can be certain about is that whatever version ends up on-screen, it will not be what Bryan and I had envisioned or intended to make." So how do you think it's going to turn out? I don't think anything can be worse than the live action movie that came out 10 years ago, but this doesn't sound too good.

Nothing trump the quality of the original, and with it's recent release on Netflix I'm not really sure whats even the point of doing a live action

[+] 1 user Likes yvankaer's post
live action adaptations r usually bad

[+] 1 user Likes seeny's post
yeah avatar is definitely isn't something that needed ANOTHER live adaptation haha

[+] 1 user Likes panickingfornoreason's post
who knows if it will be good

[+] 1 user Likes 0321pC's post
Netflix keeps proving it can't handle adaptations well. Hopefully it works out but I lost any hope when Mike and Bryan left

As long as it's not M. Night Shyamalan it might be good.

imo the original creators leaving is a red flag

It's a huge red flag. If you read both of the creators posts on twitter, you'll see that they basically were ignored on their input and that Netflix kept making changes that they didn't like. The way they worded it was "nice" PR speak to wish Netflix well, but they strong disagree with what's been happening.

Live-action anything is usually awful, the original live action ATLA movie was dog shit, sooo..

I agree Netflix has failed at a bunch of live action adaptations. Death note was a really bad one.

never seen the show (I know) but im waiting for the show so i hope its good

I hope it's enjoyable but idk how faithful it will be to the original, here's hopin

The new death note maybe?

animated series ALL time faved, watched it when i was at work haha. Lets hope its not similar to the movie verison.

I dont understand why people feel the need to turn cartons into live-action. Animation is great, is a form of media in its own way, it doesnt need to be turned to live-action. It gains very little by this transformation and loses much of its expressivity, style, and freedom.

The same applies to musicals, which ironically usually would go better going to animation than live-action.