Back to campus?
Anyone else concerned about having to return to campus for the fall semester? Especially considering how a lot of students get sent home for Thanksgiving and then have to come back - that's a lot fo traveling between thousands of people

[+] 1 user Likes shalalalalala's post
Ya I'm concerned about Fall Semester but for me it's online.

[+] 1 user Likes Qaz12456's post
Are they not making you go back? or did you choose online courses regardless?

Thankfully I'm not in school anymore, but my company is making us come to the office w/ masks on.

The states are essentially goofed, lots of risks with an open community than a closed one currently. But you know, some people fail to understand the issues. Wasn't education being attacked during covid-19 from a political stand point?

Even schools that say they are having classes in person will send all the students back to do online only - as soon as the tuition checks clear. The fear lawsuits too much to risk having students crowded on campus

Yeah the current admin isn't too compassionate towards schools at the moment. It's scary how they put politics over peoples lives.

They're deffo gonna send people back. If there's an outbreak on campus, it'll be virtually impossible to stop the spread.

I personally think that going to school during a pandemic is a death wish. The pandemic is guaranteed to rise due to the students being very close and we all know how disgusting they can be even in High School.