Bad Ex
Do you have an Ex so bad that you wish you would never met him/her?

Yes, she was completely toxic the whole relationship and cheated on me.

Who of us doesn't? Women today have a license to do whatever the fuck they want, so they do evil to us guys. The only pleasure we will get is seeing them hit the wall. HARD.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Everyone who's dated will have at least ONE bad ex.

Nah, I've only had 2 relationships, and even though they both ended shittily, I know that things could have been SO MUCH WORSE.

let me just say that when you need a rebound girlfriend... avoid a girl who is also on the rebound...

Do I have bad ex's? Yes absolutely. Do I wish I had never met them? Not really. Despite some of them being toxic, I always learned some hard lessons from the relationship and have grown from them. I doubt I would be with the partner I am today were it not for the choices made in the past and the hard lessons learned through anguish and heartache.

[+] 1 user Likes Omega Samurai's post
I suppose i learned a lot from the experience of having a bad ex. It would be a lot nicer to learn through reading a book instead, hehe

The thing about people is that humans are predictable in decision making but everything ele is completely off the table. Youre better off experiencing as many people (safely) as you can so that when you settle down you feel content in your choices.

How many of those do you want, I have some spare ?

How many do you want? I have some spare!