What do you guys think of the new battlefield game? is it worth it?

[+] 5 users Like Tiko777's post
It definitely needs some big updates and patches but in the long run I would say yes

Thank you!!

[+] 1 user Likes Tiko777's post
It really looks like fun. Haven't gotten around to playing it.

I tried it when it released, It isnt bad. but there are some definite glaring issues compared to previous battle fireld games. Hopefully with some massive updates it will be absolutely amazing

I ended up refunding... I didnt like the new "Specialist system". It gave us a lot of freeson, yes, but we lost the core identity of the game.... A few friends liked it, it's just not my thing i guess...

I like it, played so far for like 80 hours, def needs work but if you like BF in general still fun and will only get better over time like other titles have after a rough start

What would be the alternative to battlefield????

Was never a fan, it’s to open to be honest

Biggest let down ever on release. Did the patches ever render it playable?

Liked V, and 1

Stopped playing at Battlefield 4. Been a while. this post makes me want to check out the new one.