Being open (males)
Males opening up has been a problem for so long now, at least a lot of them have that problem. Is it because they feel they should act this way or is it because that's the way they were raised and they just got used to it.
I personally don't see it wrong at all for a male to open up at all. I've trying to convince my male friend to speak up and say whatever he has inside, not to me but to anyone he feels like opening up to, but no matter what I say and try it doesn't seem to make him open up. He just jokes his way out of it and says that there's nothing for him to say and that it's just life.

Is there any tip or any way I can take without making him feel I'm being too pushy or trying to invade his privacy?

[+] 1 user Likes MEHMEH696's post
The best way to help a man open up is simply to be open yourself, be natural, be real and exude an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance. Those who we encounter in life are mirrors of different parts of ourselves and we attract certain people who each help us love another part of ourselves. Let us know how it went!

Try doing some shared hobby together. Sometimes, guys need to be distracted in order to open up.

[+] 1 user Likes Gnita's post
Listen without judgement. If your male partner has trouble opening up, when he does, never react badly, don't turn the issue into something about you, even if he's brining up an issue that upsets you or seems unfair. I have problems being defensive when my gf brings up issues, so I promised her that I'd listen without judgement and never get defensive when she opens up to me, if she promises to do the same

[+] 1 user Likes spammingf's post
Until he chooses to open up, there's nothing you can do. Be prepared to listen carefully. Beyond that, just be friends with him, and be sure to have good times. That's all you can do, aside rom praying for him.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Thank you everyone for your advices. I will try it and keep you posted

There's a lot of cancel culture nowadays, and males are easily targeted. Look at Bill Cosby, he's everyone's childhood hero, and they're trying to cancel him? Puhhhhlease.

Toxic masculinity is a big problem and has contributed to the idea that men can't be emotional or express feelings because it's not "manly" to do so. That seems to be what your friend is experiencing, and he jokes to avoid uncomfortable feelings/subjects. You can try to get him to consider his emotions by asking how he feels about certain things, or what makes him happy/sad etc. But many guys just don't think in terms of emotions at all so it's very hard to deal with.

Quote:Look at Bill Cosby, he's everyone's childhood hero, and they're trying to cancel him? Puhhhhlease.

I mean, to be fair, he did admit to drugging women. Like, it's not even a "he said she said" thing; he straight up admitted under oath that he did it. That's the entire reason why his conviction got thrown out. The former prosecutor promised him immunity from criminal charges if he testified in the civil suit, so he did testify and admitted to drugging women. Then the new prosecutor came in an was like "nah we're gonna prosecute you anyways lmao". So maybe he's not the best example of cancel culture gone wrong.

girls are not used to see and relize struggles so they kidna assume ur weak once ur open up.

Quote: girls are not used to see and relize struggles so they kidna assume ur weak once ur open up.
This is why you NEVER open up to girls, unless you're being treated by a female mental health professional. Even then, it's better to get a guy, who understands wtf goes on.

I feel making someone feel comfortable is key. If a man feels you a trustworthy and safe then he will open up, men are naturally sceptical and are cautious of people deceiving them. So show them through action that you and honest and transparent. Have no bias, listen properly and show that you care through you responses to his issues or feelings.

It's difficult for a lot of men to open up as we're conditioned not to do so and to mask everything, so keep in mind that he himself may not know how to even open up properly.

Take it easy Smile

Don't judge others opening up but listen to them and sympathize with them. Males are perceived weak and feminine when they open up so they tend not to

Open up to him yourself and to others. Show your friend there's no harm in it

It's hard but whe you do it makes your life so much better

its tough for a guy to open up to a woman, I grew up with my best friend (female) i know everything about her, ive been there for her as much as i can be for over 20 years, i know she is there for me and i have confided in her almost every part of my life. the key word there is almost. i can cry on her shoulder when my dad died, i knew she would be there to tell me the girl who cheated on me was a skank and didnt deserve me any way. But for years i have struggled with my mental health, i see someone to help me with it and havent been in a dark place for years. but for some reason no matter how much i know she would be there for me, i cannot open up that part of me to her.

you look at all the usual things guys wont open up to girls, have to look strong? she has as i said seen me bawl my eyes out. wanting to sleep with her? did that when we were teenagers and felt off, fun, but off.
male pride? she has literally cleaned me up after i puked all over myself on a drunken night out. so with all those ticked off why cant i open up and show her my most vulnerable side? no idea.

I know this probably hasnt been much help, but as a guy who knows there is always a female friend there for him, no matter what. i find that comforting enough so the best advice i can give is just be there for him, no pressure, no awkwardness and if he ever does open up fantastic, but if like me he cant for whatever reason, just know him knowing your there is probably comforting him more than you can know.

I'm done no 

for me has it took a lot of time and this with my self and my mind 

you have to find it for your self out and their student be any opinions of others on the subject for a long time 

so HIS opinion can manifest and he came us to it.

and no one to question it or, worse, make fun of it

Your Fly it Is