Best Assassins Creed?
For me, the best was always Black Flag, everything about it was perfect for me and it really hit deep in my heart. What are everyone else's favourites?

[+] 1 user Likes Irishman's post
I enjoyed AC III (love the "new america" theme)

[+] 1 user Likes zebang's post
Enjoyed unityü

I agree that black flag was great. Also liked the ezio ones.

I think it's black flag for me too, unity and syndicate aren't that bad either, they got patched pretty well since release
But still Ac 2/ brotherhood will always be in my heart

The third on by a mile

Two for me was the best one so far. Assassin’s creed one was the worst

I enjoyed black flag but stopped playing cos my laptop at the time could barely run it. I'll have to redownload sometime.

I like Black Flag too, but I never finished. I wasted too much time exploring.

Blackflag for me too, but i did enjoy unity and odessey too, almost too much content

2 is one that I often look back at with the most fond memories

i like black flagtoo, I love how the crew cheer me on when I return to jackdaw

My first assassin was unity and I liked it a lot but playing from the others I keep the third and black flag

Love all the ezio based ACs but odyssey was just WOW. The graphics and gameplay was just great. So ill go with odyssey i guess

Blackflag held the most memories for me.

For me was Brotherhood

black flag is the best ac games

Assasins Creed Brotherhood

Black flag, syndicate close second.