Best Cheap/Free Editing Software
As a novice graphic designer, I have a bit of experience in Adobe Illustrater and Photoshop, but to build up my resume, I'd rather not pay for the Adobe suite monthly. What programs have you enjoyed using and had decent functionality that you could either buy outright or use for free?

[+] 1 user Likes Johntgewayneboiii's post
Paint is not bad choice if you think bout it

Thanks for the post

GIMP is the obvious go to, can pretty much do anything photoshop can and it's free, krita is another option but it's more kinda digital painting/drawing focused.

particles Wrote:GIMP is the obvious go to, can pretty much do anything photoshop can and it's free, krita is another option but it's more kinda digital painting/drawing focused.
The best choice

I wish there was more than GIMP, the market for those digital editing software is similar to Blender vs the whole autodesk monopoly

Procreate on the iPad is really great

Photoshop is amazing, I tried few years ago and made some interesting things but I'm not a professional and I don't like to use pirated software, so GIMP is the solution for me.
You can make a lot of the same things but lacks the great automatic filters and tools that the paid tool got.

If you are thinking to use a "free downloaded" photoshop I advise you to use it in a virtual machine because some of the cracks aren't safe and can harm your computer .

Gimp or photofiltre. Gimp is full of features. Photofiltre is old as hell at this point, but you can install it on a USB drive, and it has some features that still make me use it once in a while. But if you really want something you can work with easy, try GIMP right now.

you could probably try something like affinity photo for 50 bucks usd, if you want something a bit sleeker than GIMP

GIMP is always nice but honestly just get photoshop (by certain means), it's infinitely better compared to free software

I haven't found any free ones better than GIMP

Photoshop and GIMP are classics

Go for gimp at first, its the best free tool out there. later on u can try photoshop free for a month after u have some basic idea

I would also go for GIMP, easy to get and to use, friendly community, many tutorials on the net.

Gotta go with gimp, its a good way to get your feet wet and its free

Try Gimp its free!

Photoshop online still does the trick for me lol.

GIMP is a good choice for a free editor, it has most of the Photoshop features and is somewhat intuitive (but you may find it a little hard to deal with it in the beginning, but photoshop is no better in this camp).

Honestly, just find a way to crack a paid one..
That'll be easier and save you a lot of time and effort to not use cheap free softwares