Best GDP vids
Been looking through the old GDP videos and it's such a shame they stopped - really loved the amateur feel. One of my faves is ep 135! What are the other hidden gems that I should rewatch? cos there's sooo many

[+] 3 users Like Knited95's post
Where do you watch your GDPs?

I use this website for Casting like videos (here is EP 135)

RE: Best GDP vids.

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[+] 6 users Like rocklanddoc's post
God I hope this is worth is…

my fav will always be 375

Jake here d dish d sd

I’m hashed ueuebe d d

I’m hashed ueuebe d d

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I’m hashed ueuebe d day

hopefully this works

In no order here are my favorites: 490, 242, 342, 372, 403, 506, 239, 246, 278, 404, 488

Has to be the one with Selena Green Vargas 249 and 254

hopefully this works