Best GDP vids
Been looking through the old GDP videos and it's such a shame they stopped - really loved the amateur feel. One of my faves is ep 135! What are the other hidden gems that I should rewatch? cos there's sooo many

Where do you watch your GDPs?

I use this website for Casting like videos (here is EP 135)

RE: Best GDP vids.

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God I hope this is worth is…

my fav will always be 375

[+] 1 user Likes laloc122's post
Jake here d dish d sd

I’m hashed ueuebe d d

I’m hashed ueuebe d d

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I’m hashed ueuebe d day

hopefully this works

In no order here are my favorites: 490, 242, 342, 372, 403, 506, 239, 246, 278, 404, 488

Has to be the one with Selena Green Vargas 249 and 254

[+] 1 user Likes AnnonZ123's post
hopefully this works

thank you very much

appreciate your contribution

Mine are 416, 420, 423, 424, 430, 431 and of course the Miss Delaware ones.

let's see if it's working

muchas gracias

375 is the best imo, can't get over her

nice ones mentioned, 239 was good

Thank you very much

Than you so much

Greathbhbhbhhunimo jnjbtfth
