Best Pandemic Home Gym Setup?
What do you guys consider to be essential in a Pandemic Home Gym Setup?

Obviously weights are priced crazy high right now but have you picked up any equipment to stay fit?

Personally I got a bar/some weights and a bench, and that's been good for now.
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Given that not everyone has the space or money to fully kit our a home gym, I've found a bar bell, 2 dumbbells and a set of weights is pretty much all you 'need', as long as you get creative!

A Barbell is very versatile, but starting with dumbells is probably a lot easier and more realistic to get set up.

I have two dumbells, a pull Up bar and a rubber banda. It is quite cheap and works fine

I just do bodyweight stuff and keep my steroids cycle

I actually built my equipment out of wood. It turned out waaaay cheaper than retail prices of even the lower end racks. Built a power rack and bench for $280 ish. I already had plates and a bar.

Absolute neccesities to get the most efficient work out is bench press, squat rack and deadlifting. Dumbells are bonus. But honestly moat important is bench. Works on your chest, shoulders and core which helps you stay muscular and lean

LOL I feel like the wood setup is fine but kind of scary once you hit higher weights unless you're confident in your ability to build a sturdy rack etc
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shred as much as you can

you can do a lot with resistance bands that arent too expensive

If you have the money a power rack (with barbell + plates) is a great option bcos you can train bench, squat and deadlift all in one area

Not really essential but some nice speakers for music are good while exercising.