Best Story in a Video Game
So to preface, I' not a big gamer. Despite that, I've always enjoyed Rockstar games because they appear to put effort into developing their stories. Do you have any others that have a similar focus on story. as opposed to just shooting at things?

Some games that have stories I'm obsessed with are Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 3, Halo 2 to name a few. I miss storyline games I'm going to get back into them eventually

Shadow of Colossus has a pretty interesting albeit depressing story

If you are looking for something similar to rockstars story and play style, I would recommend Sleeping Dogs.  It is basically Grand Theft Auto Hong Kong with a great story.

If you are looking for an open world old western game with a fantastic story go for red dead redemption 2

I also recommend playing uncharted (the whole series) it is so good even for beginners

I've enjoyed some of the missions in Witcher 3 and of the Bioshock games. Tbf, I'm more gameplay over story though

100 % crash team racing

Dragon Age Origins.. bioware storytelling at it's peak

Personal favourite is Fallout New Vegas but that is more choice based than most rockstar games