Best action sequences in a movie/show?
What are some of your favorite action sequences from any movie/show? For me, the John Wick films for me hit the spot with its hard-hitting action and I also like the fact that the camera doesn't cut 10,000 times before you can see a hit land. Instead, you get usually get a pseudo-oner (or at the very least shots that last for longer than several milliseconds) where you follow him through the scene and actually get to watch as he lays down the law against the ruffians that go up against him. Another one of my particular favorites has to be the ones that are in the Kingsman series, particularly the church scene in the first movie. It was made to seem like one shot and my god was it amazing (not to mention the fact that having Freebyrd as the backing track as the rampage went on was the perfect choice). It was pure, high-octane, testosterone-fueled action and I loved every second of it.

My absolute favorite one would be Oldboy's corridor fight, just raw violence with beautiful cinematography. The whole movie is fantastic too, a must-watch for any action movie fan.

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One-two running from russian guys in RocknRolla
