Best games to play with friends
I'm trying to find some multiplayer games to play when we meet at someone's house or when we have a discord call. Any type of game is accepted, maybe not turn based games but those are welcome too.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. Maybe not what you're looking for though...

Depends on how many people you want to play with. For two I found games like army of two to be super fun. With more people I've never gone wrong with old classics like smash bros or guitar hero/rockband. In fact smash bros and guitar hero/rockband are some of the only games I still regularly enjoy with friend years later without having gotten any new consoles or games. They're the kind of game that you never really finish and can keep coming back to.

What genre of games were you looking to play specifically?

If you enjoy rogue-lite, I'd recommend risk of rain 2 and gunfire reborn. me and my friends had a blast playing those.

Ultimate Chicken Horse is incredibly fun if you're into platformers. Can play with up to 4 friends, and you create the obstacles as you go. I always have fun playing it with buddies.

best games depends on the console for nintendo switch it has the best games everyone likes mario and smash

[+] 1 user Likes thotiana1234's post
Civilization VI with friends is awesome, you might lose a friend or two in the process so be careful

[+] 1 user Likes MiniPessi's post
Castle Crashers is a classic!

Call of duty warzone is insane

How about Battleground?

Overcooked is great fun with friends.