Best home workout to lose weight
Hi, I've been doing push ups for 3 months now and I am not having any changes on my body (I think). do you guys have any home workouts that I can try? thanks!

Strength and size gains will come with progressive overload and variation on your workouts - basically gradually increasing and/or changing the stimuli that your muscles experience. Using pushups as an example, you can progressively overload by trying to do more pushups within a smaller time frame. You can vary pushups by changing the width of your hand placement or trying incline/decline pushups! You can try bench dips to further work on your triceps too,

Never be hungry and lift consistently. Only pressups will do nothing - consider a strength training program.

I would do push ups. In general I've had more success losing wait by changing my diet and consuming unholy amounts of cafeine

Soooo... push ups wont work? or am I just doing it wrong? I've tried to diet and I dont think that it is working on me.

I have had similar experiences with pushups. To lose weight, I'd recommend taking a walk everyday as it's not very intense and you can listen to music or use your phone while doing it.

Just doing push ups won't work very well. They don't burn enough calories and only doing them could unbalance your body and cause you issues. To lose weight try eating a little less and moving a bit more. If there's no idfference after a couple of weeks, eat a little less still and move more. do whatever movements/exercise keeps you interested, cycling, walking, HIIT, lifting weights, just do it consistently.

use an online tdee calculator to get an idea of how much you should be eating each day.

I've been enjoying Ring Fit on the Switch hah. Keeps you consistent and engaged!

Push ups, situps, jumping jacks. Youtube home workouts, you can try adding more volume to your pushups too

okay okay, thanks guys!!!!!

If your goal is just to lose weight, I would look into intermittent fasting

thanks for the advice!!