Best investment could be anything you have made
I'm curious, what has been the best investment you've ever made? What made it stand out compared to your other investments? I'm interested in understanding what factors contributed to its success and why you consider it the best.

Any crypto I have bought. What makes it scary and maybe not such a good investment is also what makes it a good investment, it is extremely volatile. So if you can watch it and play the game a bit there is money to be made rapidly. I think though it is considered “high” right now, we are still in the infancy. There is so much potential and such a long way to go with this.

And my favorite part, as trust in government goes down, the crypto prices go up. Which I feel is only going to continue for the forseeable future seeing how the governments around the world are acting.

Probably just a simple ISA for me, bought into crypto but picked the wrong coins instead of going with the big names. Investing in the SNP500, which is boring, seems to have seen the largest returns in the past few years.