Best music streaming service?
I've been using Spotify for years now, but I keep hearing other platforms like YouTube premium, tidal, prime etc have a different mix of content, so, which is best??

i still think spotify by far is the best over the years of trying to find music

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I personally enjoy youtube music premium (aka Google music) its cheap. It also provides creators a way to keep making content without bugging the snot out of me with ads.

Spotify is probably the best. If only hype machine was still active...

Is Tidal still a thing? i've never met anyone who used it.

Spotify still top tier

Spotify is the goat yo

i think spotify is the best

i believe spotify is actually the greatest so far. but, ive also had several friends say that they use youtube premium, since it actually does let you just directly stream music from youtube, and nearly anything or any song is uploaded to youtube anyways. but i think spotify's small perks overall just make it better than the rest

Spotify imo. Lots of artists are releasing their older catalogs on it too.