Best plants to have in your house
I really like plants, so lets talk about the best plant to have and some tips to take care of them

Mint plants - they repel roaches. Be sure to water it, but get it some daylight, most apartments and homes are pretty dark.

A certain plant that shares its name with unwanted plants and is legal in most American States and illegal everywhere else - regulate the hell out of the water, and go down to Home Depot or Lowes and get yourself some growing lights. And don't grown a ton of them unless you like high electricity bills and nosy landlords.

Marijuana duhhhh


Philodendrons, Ficus elata , Ficus hilli, Begonias sp. , Pathos sp. , Canna sp. , Nearly anything can grow inside , with varying degree of difficulty growing plant's inside is really challenging much harder then outside don't get discouraged if you kill something. Getting use to gardening means getting use to killing plant's it will happen a lot.

Get yourself some aloe plants. Both nice looking and functional.

This is actually a new hobby of mine that I've picked up during covid, pothos, snake plants, spider plants, have been the easiest to grow. Philos, depending on what kind, are rather easy, too.

I dont have any plants. I know if I get they'll just die

I like succulents

Herb plants i always find are nice to have in your kitchen, you would be surprised how much fresh herbs will bring to a dish. Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, and Basil all grow nicely inside by a window and add a lot to your cooking.

I have a nice collection of cacti, and a reminder on my phone to water them. However if I miss the reminder until the next day it's nbd because cacti don't freak out from a little bit of neglect. Also, cacti are metal as fuck.