Best revenge?
What is the best way you got revenge?

My revenge story goes back to my 3rd year of college.  I was dating this girl and apparently she was only dating me for school work, free food, and occasional weed but the worst par is that she was cheating on me since our 2 month of dating we dated 6 months.  She spread rumors that I beat her but she had sent me text messages threatening me if I didn't do x she would say I hit her.  I was close to getting kicked out of school until I showed the text messages but she never got punished because as the school says "no incident happened so there is nothing wrong." 

I was actually friends and roommates with this girl's brother but only for a little while.  We were at a bar and we were trying to pick up some girls, this guy literally takes MY credit card, when I was taking a shower, and pays for all his drinks and the girl he was trying to hook up with all while bad mouthing that I am abusive etc.

Now onto the revenge.  So i make a catfish tinder account( using cropped pictures of his sister, no face) and I match with this guy. I try to get him to send nudes (i know kinda weird but stay around). He eventually does.  Now I go to catfish his sister and get her to send nudes, and I send her nude cropped pics of her brother again no face.  But then I reveal it by saying "You should be careful who you send pictures to..." to both phones but the original photos with the faces in it.  So the brother sees that the nudes were of his sister and vice versa.

How was my revenge?

[+] 2 users Like brohamster21's post
Holy shit that's evil. Can't say I've done anything even remotely close. Only at most petty stuff like inconveniencing people

