Best sports for a 40+
Trying to stay in shape isnt an easy thing to do even while following a good diet. I keep slacking off going to the GYM and running was never my cup of tea. Indoor preferably

Squash or tennis

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

I recommend lacrosse or darts

lacrosse or darts

Raquetball and handball are really helpful and popular among the 40+ crowd. There are plenty of gyms with clubs for these, and you'll meet some new people. Swimming also helps a lot, and saves your knees.

have you tried boxing? it can be way more dynamic so you don't get bored, and can even practice / train on your own in some aspects

Tennis. Isn't that what old people do? Lol

>Tennis. Isn't that what old people do? Lol
No, that's golf. The only sport where you can get fat and still do good.

golf of courseSmile