Best way to get into making web apps?
Title. I've had random ideas over time for tools involving the web, and I'm just wondering what the best way to get into building a web interface is. Something I can run locally if I want.

So, without any programming knowledge, use applications like wordpress or applications like that where it's a simple drag and drop. If you really want to get into specifics, I'd suggest looking into PHP-based frameworks such as Laravel. Laravel is probably the best freakin' framework out there for PHP-based development of a website.

[+] 1 user Likes eidat's post
Learn BASIC html css and GOOD javascript first. Probably a lot of your app ideas need no server component that would require php, node.js, python, etc

Then get to work. A lot of people build simple apps that let you do things like pick some colors from a color picker and put it in the clipboard, or tools to help you decide what your build is in some online game. Expand from there.

Start learning HTML and CSS, JS, etc. THink of some small app and get it done. SIMPLE app, keep it small and easy. Surely there is some simple app you can think of that will provide some benefit to someone and also be easy with a small scope. The worst thing you can do is "think too big".

[+] 1 user Likes Conquistadora's post
check out of both get you started with basic web technologies.

Javascript plus NodeJS and JQuery are your best friends

Try out JavaScript then React Js. Easy to learn if you dedicate enough time. Good luck

Learn javascript, it is the core of everything web development (there are exceptions). But it is such a versatile language it can take you very far. Pick a framework to get started. Personally I found angular very beginner friendly as it has a tutorial directly on the site that will walk you through creating an entire website using a large selection of its functionality.