Best way to learn python
Hi, Im trying to learn Python. What is the best method?

I think that you have to understand the basics on youtube and then invent yourself miniproyects and do them googling. I think chat GPT could be useful

I agree. Look into Khan Academy or YouTube, learn the basics of types, functions, etc and tehn pick a projec that is of most interest to you to motivate

If you’re in college you can get Datacamp free for a few months through github

first of all, what do you want to achive, just a little programming in privat or going full buisness style, there a lot of ways to do stuff wrong or in inefficient ways.

Python has a getting started tab on the website with a lot of stuff to read and learn, after that you should think about a project you like to programm, split into single stuff or even creat a PFC(process flow chart)
and start working step by step.


I suggest you start with the following course on YouTube. It's designed for absolute beginners to coding and explains everything with just the right amount of detail. I also find the teacher's voice easy to follow, and with many short and manageable lessons, it's my go-to recommendation for beginners.

RE: Best way to learn python.

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Just trying to solve a mathematical question will help you understand the basics. Also buy a book help you understand what function do and it has an exercise with it so just try it out!!. Dont rust just understand the way how it work in the basic. When you understand conncept then you going to build you own project.