Best way to let a small time TikToker, or Youtuber know you like them/find them sexy?
Do you guys have any advice for an older head trying to let a young TikTok chick know she's hot or your crushing on her without sounding like a groupie or a straight simp? What are some of the coolest ways to slide into a girl's DM's that you've ever heard of or that worked for you that you're proud of? Idea

It really depends on the person. If you send them any dm and you are a guy and they are a conventionally attractive girl they will most likely know that you find them attractive. Maybe just tell her you really like her tik toks and just be honest and tell her that you think she is pretty

[+] 1 user Likes diobono69's post
Thanks, man; some solid advice and appreciated!  At  

One last question though: How about the heart eyes emojis are those the universal symbol for I think your sexy or are they more or less a general simp alert? 
My next forum topic might have to be regarding the abundance of sexy gender fluid pansexual bi girls around on TikTok and how to approach them, because I can't scroll for more than a minute without finding a new lil baddie with her septum piercing and pink hair looking fine enough to eat...

I don't want to be cheesy but honestly you should be yourself
If you get someone by doing stuff you wouldn't normally do, then they are expecting a different version of you
You should try to find authentic connections
OnlyFans feels kinda meh in that respect (to me at least)

if you want to know specifically about the smileys and emojis and stuff honestly I think that depends, I used to use XD until a girl told me it was cringey and eventually I noticed it was. But I've also talked to other guys and girls that still use XD, same for emojis, some people use them a lot and some don't at all.
If you want to know what works on the girl you're talking to, see if she's left hints, if her comments or posts always have emojis, or certain ones, none at all, etc

[+] 1 user Likes Hiking Viking's post
Hey Thank You very much for your response man, I really appreciate it! Again sounds like some solid advice and I guess you can't go too wrong just being yourself and keeping it respectful.

I should also state that I don't think my end game if everything played out perfectly, is to fly out somewhere to date or meet up with any of the chicks, but I think I just want to be able to let them know something about them stood out to me, and that they are beautiful without being sen as creepy, or just another simp drooling, but just a guy out there that noticed how dope they were and perhaps sounds interesting or kool to them as well.

[+] 1 user Likes realkane's post
In my experience using emojis can make you seem less of a robot in messages. There isn't a universal rule and like most things just do what seems fitting

[+] 1 user Likes diobono69's post