Best way to start learning Python?
Would love to be able to materialize my own ideas with python code, but don’t know yet how to start.

I'm a big fan of Learn Python the Hard Way. You can get a free copy here:

RE: Best way to start learning Python?.

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Just work through it. It will take a while, but by the end you will be quite good at Python.

+1 to Python the Hard Way, which really forces you to understand what you're doing and why.

Do you know how to program in general? or looking to learn python as your first language?

I don't know if you are still around, but I used this course (12h !!) on YT and it was pretty good IMO.

RE: Best way to start learning Python?.

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Enjoy  Wink

There are plenty of tutorials on youtube for free

Youtube, youtube and youtube, watch as many as you can and practice along side with the videos. From there once you get an idea and understanding of the basics, you can branch of those and look into specific things you want to make. And I recommend you use PyCharm or Visual Studio Code.

Python the hard way is the way to go as folks said, try understanding the language and how the interpreter works.