Best ways to learn a new language
What are the best ways to learn a new language if you are not in the country where that language is spoken? I would say listening to music and watching movies or series with English subtitles is great, but what do you think?

Websites/apps like Duolingo is a good start.

VODs of livestreams can give you a good idea of how people speak a particular language.

Learning full phrases you can use immediately instead of only cramming vocabulary and grammar. Especially phrases that you can easily replace words with like "where is X", "I like X", "may I have some X", etc. Also, if you live in cultural melting pots like the USA, UK, or AUS, you don't need to go to a different country to have conversations in that language. Countries like these usually have communities of specific ethnic backgrounds that congregate to one area.

IMO Duoling is shit if you spend more than hour. I usually start by grabbing a dictionary and trying to read classic books in the language I'm trying to learn. for pronunciation simply start watching videos, movies and all of the content you can. I taught myself German and French this way and I'm doing the same with Japanese, although calligraphy is a little bit tricky, I'm waiting for some calligraphy books to arrive. I have also found that StackExchange and similar forums are amazing for Japanese.

Books designed specifically to teach you the language are also a good resource as they give you a general idea of the structure and the quirks specific to each language.

get a girlfriend that speaks the language you want to learn

Just... a LOT of immersion