Best workout exercise to have ABS
Hi, i really want an abs but im having hard time making it show, what is the best exercise for it to show? ive only been dong sit ups and push ups, but i dont think its working

Don't just completely focus on the abs, the best way to show defined abs is to do full body workouts to burn more body fat, and have a consistent, healthy diet. Though easier said than done,

But still for ab exercises, I'd recommend planks, bicycle kicks/crunches and varieties of leg raises.

[+] 1 user Likes LeFriedChicken's post
Your body fat percentage will determine how visible they will be. Definitely add some cardio (since all it takes is a thin layer of fat to keep your abs from showing). There's not really one "best" exercise since you'll want to do a combination of different ones for more effectiveness. Sit-ups are good, but also add in leg raises and some oblique exercises. Leg raises to target the lower area of your abs. Standing oblique crunches and Russian twists for your obliques. You can use anything at home for resistance if you don't have any weights. Finish off with some front and side planks. You can do them in sets of reps or timer based, but assuming you're new at this, then typically 4 sets of 12-15 reps each with 1 minute planks are pretty standard. Otherwise modify to whichever works best for you.

That's typically a standard ab workout. There's other exercises and variations you can try also, but definitely make sure it's a combination that targets those different areas. But like the other guy said, full body workouts will be most effective. The real challenges, however, will be eating right and consistency so good luck!

Good old fashioned crunches and lots of them!

so just doing sit ups wont work huh, okay ill try my best to keep up with those exercises!

I agree with one of the posts above. I'd recommend focusing more on your body as a whole. Many people make the mistake of trying to target only one muscle group.

[+] 1 user Likes nissyack's post
Check out athleanX on YouTube, got quite a few videos on core workouts

[+] 1 user Likes Blackoutdubs's post
I’m no expert but rowing, sit-ups and pushups have done wonders for me personally.

Just burn a lot more calories through cardio and HIIT, low fat percentage certainly make your abs exposed. The thing is, all the abs workout like sit up, crunch, leg raise is also good, but they make your abs thicken and strengthen your core, if your core is really strong but your fat percentage is high, there's maybe no abs visible. Aim to 18% fat should do the job

no matter how much you work on your abs you can't see them unless you lower your body fat. do a lot of exercises for your whole body (will hit your core too but you need to keep your muscle development more balanced and functional). eat healthier and maybe eat a bit less. hiit is good to burn calories but exercise isn't actually that effective to burn fat - the loss mostly has to come from eating better food
