Biggest Hyped Game with Biggest Letdown
What is the biggest game you were most excited for that was the biggest letdown. Mine definitely was Damnation for the PS3

I think it is cyberpunk for me. I know the story is good but the game mechanic is too boring for me

cyberpunk because of the hype. If they had lauched the game without bugs the potential to be a goty was big in my opinion

Mass Effect 3.

Anthem, No Man's Sky, and of course the obvious one Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk for sure

Not really an answer to the question but I've seen a lot of people say Cyberpunk and I can't really agree.
Of course it has a lot of flaws but they also had to kind of rush it since they underestimated the time it took and then the fans got angry.
Of course it's a bit of a letdown but I think the game will vastly improve!

Even though I wasn't super hyped for it (Didnt want to build up my expectations) Cyberpunk was still quite a let down

cyberpunk lol

Honorable mention to no man's sky. Let down but they got their shit together and fixed it up. Definitely a redemptive atory arc

Lol everyone here be saying cyberpunk but I guess it’s right