Biggest Regret
 was in the recess of my mind examining alot of the major decisions in my life, and the biggest reggret i have is not finishing college as i went for the life experience approach. i think this was a mistake as i have to fight for roles others were able to walk into because they finished college when i had actual experience they were lacking.

my question is what is your biggest regret? how do you think taking the other path would have changed your life?

I would love to see what would of happened had I tried to make things work with my one ex. Like watching a movie though, not gone back and change anything. Just to see what if.

My biggest regret is probably getting into this porn crap. By the way, you should definitely go back to college! I believe in you.

Cheers man, but life gets in the way. then again with this pandemic going on, i could probably look into online courses At

i can agree with that this porn thing isnt what i thought was going to be

Choosing one uni over another. Screwed me out of a chance at something good in life, thinking it was something else.

I feel that this uni thing is more of a requirement than a milestone as it used to be nowadays. i wish i studied earlier too, hard to be financially secure without diploma as you are more easily replaced

I think uni is turning into a scam now. Super expensive, and you take out a bunch of loans just to get a degree, which isn't enough to get the job you want, so you have to get a Master's degree, just to finally get a decent job. For the price of uni you could buy a house. Things are crazy these days.

dont go back to school for academia. go to a trade school. im in academia, its shit. pay way too much to be told youre bad because of your race an sex, like you can change that or you helped do anything bad your ancestors did. happens even in the hard sciences. trades are way better