Black Mirror opinions
Hey guys, so I finished rewatching Black Mirror again, and it keeps blowing my mind away with hoe their ideas of technology is being used. Even more so at how most of it is in a grey area when it comes to the safety and humanity of it. I want to ask what you guys think of it? Did the twists manage to get you by surprise? Or were you guys also blown away by the cool futuristic gadgets that they use? 
Also, which would you guys say is your favorite episode? Mine is for sure White Bear because of how good the twist was and how it leaves you wondering if its a good thing or just something so cruel

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To be honest I just watched like 5 episodes and it didn't click for me. Too surreal.

Yeah same. The quality is pretty good but the way they do it wasn’t enjoyable for me.

Ahh man it's been years since I have seen black mirror, this post has just reminded me to rewatch it.

Loved every episode apart from that bandersnatch choose your own story one

Love black mirror, probably the earlier ones more though

If you view each one as like a set piece with its own writers and theme it's good from an artistic standpoint. I just don't like the preachy weird episodes.

Also that one about the teddy bear was gayer than cum on a mustache.