Black mirror , best eps?
Im pretty fan of the series  and i think that the best episode is uss callister, any objections?

[+] 1 user Likes Gustavo Laranjeira's post
Season 1 episode 3 i still watch it from time to time.

[+] 1 user Likes Jetjaguar's post
i thought the season 2 opener Be Right Back was awesome

Honestly I agree, It was actually the first episode I ever watched, so there may be some bias but I thought it was absolutely mindblowing. Now that I think about it ima go watch it again LOL it's been too long

[+] 1 user Likes CoolBro99's post
Be Right Back was one of my favs. Hayley Atwell is an amazing actress. She's obviosuly hot too but its a sad ep that works well

Shut up and dance

The entire history of you

I really liked season 3 episode 3. The plottwist in the end was something that caught me off guard. But I think Black Mirror doesn't really has a "bad" episode.

Fifteen Million Merits is my favorite episode. Hooked me in for the entire show.

Season 2 for me is good, but i don't watch anymore

The entire history of you is the best

Shut Up & Dance for me. I love the ending and it's a good fun ride throughout

White Christmas and shut up and dance