Bleach Anime
Stopped watching because of so many fillers

It was good when it first came out. But then the storyline always repeated themselves in which he is super weak and then gets super strong, but with him losing all his power at the end. At some point it go boring

Bleach was great at SS arc, great ban-kai, shi-kai, characters.. then Vizard arc that was also good. HM was bad - Yami defeat is stiupid (espada 0 offpanel...), aizen powerups also bad.
Quincy arc stater was EPIC, kira dead, yamamoto vice dead, Division 0, but then quincy power ups came... division 0 from over 9000 OP, started to be piece of crap units. At last ichigo powerup and final GT was epic.

never watched it but i know plenty of the characters and plot thanks to the games

Spoiler (If you haven't watched)........... After Aizen gets defeated the anime dies unfortunately

So true, after the main story arc is complete it's filled with filler content

SO, lot to say on this, but I’ll try and be brief.
-Filler sucks no matter what anime it’s in. Even if there’s “good filler” there’s never any real story progression and a waste of time. It’s “FILLER” cause it’s filling space to give the author time to crank out a bunch of chapters before they continue the main story again.
->Read the main story in the manga and it’s better.
-The end of the anime. Even though I like the series, the anime ending was bad, boring, and unsatisfying. The series had lost popularity (cough cough *filler*) and was being taken off the air, they just wanted something to try and tie it up in a nice neat bow, regardless of it feeling forced or incomplete.
-> read the manga. Lol. The story doesn’t end where the anime does and the rest of the manga answers a lot of questions and I think it’s actually interesting and brings the show full circle and feels more complete, even if the enemy’s sudden appearance seems kind of forced.

All in all, not the greatest anime of all time, but I have fond childhood memories of it and it could always be worse. If you haven’t seen it before, look up the filler episodes and skip them, when you finish the anime, finish the story with the manga.

Nice anime but too many fillers

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redflagdleal Wrote:Nice anime but too many fillers
I wonder if anyone has made a watch list for bleach like they do with other series? I would imagine it's everything up to the aizen arc then skip the vamp arc and then go back to the hollow arc and such