Body building advice sharing
I've recently started bodybuilding, trying to get some muscle mass etc. Anyone have any good tips they wanna share? Not just for me but for anyone getting into it because i feel it's kinda overlooked in sports when it comes down to it

This is gonna be all over the place but:

For beginners to bodybuilding, I would like to emphasize not to overtrain and have the mindset "oh I just need to keep working as hard as possible, rest is for the weak".

Recovery is just as important as the workout itself, and if your goal is also to lean out, then your diet plays a major role as well. Your muscle grows when it has time to recover from the damage done to it during the workout (muscular adaptations).

A good tip I would suggest personally is to observe how your body is responding. Especially when you're starting out, you're very likely to get sore after the first few workouts. If you're feeling too sore, please don't push it, just take another day off to rest, it's totally fine. On the other hand, if you feel like you can still get in a decent workout and the soreness isn't that bad, feel free to continue with the workout.

Some beginners tend to go all-in straight away and work out like 5 days a week. Even 2-3 times a week is plenty at the start, and the most important thing is to find a routine that you can be consistent with (even if that is just 2-3 times a week)! No point trying to go 5x a week, get burned out, then stop for a while and repeat.

Also, try to focus on having good form first, you'll probably see better gains if you use lighter weights while having good form compared to using heavier weights but terrible form. It's for safety too. After you get your form right, you can focus on having that mind-muscle connection (imagining that you're activating that specific muscle you're trying to work).

Quote: I've recently started bodybuilding, trying to get some muscle mass etc. Anyone have any good tips they wanna share? Not just for me but for anyone getting into it because i feel it's kinda overlooked in sports when it comes down to it

Here are a few things that have helped me along the way. I'm no expert or anything close to it.

>For me, eating is the hardest part. Forcing yourself to eat less calories than you burn, so you can get cut a lot faster. Then, eating right so that you force your body to gain muscle. This feels like the quantum mechanics of bodybuilding. You're gonna make mistakes here, but we all do, so it's ok.

>Stop drinking soda and coffee as your main sources of hydration. Learn to love water. And good milk. Raw if you can find it.

>Don't be hard on yourself, nor expect instant gains. This is truly a marathon, not a sprint.

>Don't just lift weights and general running/cardio. Do another sport, like swimming, or dancing, something completely different. Too many bodybuilders are stiff as a board. Be flexible.

>AVOID STEROID INJECTIONS/STERIODS IN GENERAL. Yeah, it's good for a quick gain, but at the cost of hard-looking muscle, and a working dick. Let the cheaters cheat, and don't compare yourself to them. They're cheaters for a reason.

>What helped me is Arnold Schwarzenegger's New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. Yeah, it's a massive book, but read the sections you need, and as time goes on, you'll read the rest. There's a literal beginner's workout, complete with schedule, so no need to guess as to what you need. Follow it. It also has the eating guide. Do your best to follow it, food is a weakness to many of us. Here's the link to it on Google Books:

RE: Body building advice sharing.

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>When you go to make protein shakes, find the protein shake with the least amount of filler. I like mixing mine with milk, bananas, FROZEN strawberries and peaches, and a raw egg or two. All of that is massive amounts of goodness your body needs, and the fruit really helps with the flavor. And the reason I said frozen strawberries and peaches is because they're frozen the moment they get to the packager, which means that fruit retains all of its nutritional goodness and flavor. You can also get frozen bananas, and your local grocer should have packs of frozen fruit ready to go. Spend time reading the ingredients on the protein shake package. Here's the link to my go to protein shake, Optimum Nutrition brand Gold Standard Whey:

RE: Body building advice sharing.

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>Pro tip: No matter what protein shake you get, vanilla mixes best with everything. And chocolate is... strange. Your tastes may vary.

>Creatine supplements work, but as a friend once told me, it'll make you shit your brains out.

>Ignore the ladies in the gym. Really. Most of them are there to show off on social media, and want lots of attention. A very few of them are there to actually work out. Ignoring them not only helps you to control your own sex drive, but drives them nuts when they see you're not paying attention to them.

>LEAVE YOUR PHONE IN THE LOCKER ROOM. It's too distracting, and you'll end up losing an hour staring at it. And don't be the guy that sits on a bench on his phone while others are waiting to use it. Standalone MP3 players are great for working out.

Most of all, enjoy it! It grows on you, and sometimes feels frustrating as hell. Just keep on going. Good luck! I think you'll have a lot of fun.

Depends on your body type.

I would design different workout routines based on whether you fall more on the meso, ecto, or endomorph spectrum. For example, ectos you're looking more for mass and don't need help with definition so I would work yourself up to heavy compound exercises, low reps. Endos I would put a larger emphasis on cardio and high reps, interval training, ect. Meso is middle of the line and most workout advice on the internet caters to you. But all of this is an overall planning of your regime. This assumes you know how to do the actual exercises or will learn them and that you have properly primed yourself/weened your way in so that you avoid injury and strengthen supporting muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.

imma keep it short and not go into details but if you're looking to gain weight then you must eat good and a lot, consume lots of protein and carbs and of couse dont forget about exercising 6 days a week (dont forget to split the workout, dont train like arms every day and think you'll get big)
just workout and eat a lot thats it pretty much, and if i was not clear look into bulking