What kind of breakfast do you usually have? Heavy or light? I would start my day with a bowl of oats and cut up fruit with a mug of coffee, sometimes I make a plate of scrambled eggs

Depends on how lazy I am when I wake up, typically I feel groggy and don't wanna put in any effort so have just a bowl of cereal or something I can microwave.

Rare occasion I actually have the energy and care to use upon waking up I might make something more filling, like doing up fried eggs with toast and some bacon or make pancakes with sausage usually having a glass of juice with either of those

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Not really a morning person, so I usually have a smoothie. Easy to make and get down

Ideally I would like a breakfast with toast, eggs, ham, sausage, bacon, maybe some pancakes with fruit but im usually too lazy to make it and end up having a bowl of cereal

It depends, if I'm gonna have a tough day I'll eat something like bacon,eggs and some bread with coffe.

If not, I'll have toast and coffe or just coffe, it's like if I don't feel like I'm gonna need too much food I'll just eat enough to not feel hungry

i am lazy and dont really feel hungry in the morning, just a cup of juice most of the time.

Bread with eggs and bacon

If enough I make french toast.

i can't really stomach food in the early morning but obviously i still need to eat :/ usually i have something very light that'll leave me hungry later but if i'm getting up later cus it's the weekend or smth i'll eat something heavier. not that heavy cus it's still the morning but something like a bagel sandwich is a lot more satisfying than a piece of toast

French toast

I ussually eat some toasted bread either with honey, jam, cheese or alone with butter or sometimes I eat a sandwich of eggs, ham and cheese. Also ceral is the usual for when I dont have much time to prepare something