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[Broken Link]18+ - Michaela_R to Fabian
[Image: yx4epbsr]

For Fabian and maby some other intersested.
Michaela R
115 Pictures
2 Skype Viddys
4 Short vids - Span
00:00:07-00:00:32 sec

Key: sT-Upid_1s-STUP1d

Exp: 2020-02-20


[Broken Link]18+ - Michaela_R to Fabian.

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Not often am I surprised by my own stupidity because it is a normal condition for me. But now even I was amazed over my own stupidity.  I must blame that one of my two brain cells (the less stupid one) was on a spa weekend in Jukkasjärvi drinking carrot juice and bathing mud baths.

Apologies for the shitty first post.