Hey everyone! 

I was wondering if anyone here is currently doing some routine at the gym and could share what their day of eating is like on a bulk. 

I'm already on one, but wanted to maybe learn new food ideas when it comes to getting your calorie surplus.

During a bulk as long as I hit my core macros I generally just eat whatever. I can/want Maybe not the greatest approach for health but for caloric intake the does the job.

[+] 1 user Likes lairdweller123's post
I usually just increase my portion size and eat significantly more nuts(particularly cashews)

[+] 1 user Likes PM_ME_DARK_NIPPLES's post
I go heavy on the carbs and protein, tends to work for me

Volume my guy. Find foods that allow you to eat great volume without using a large portion of daily calories. Veggie grind

like someone else already said, i find it a lot easier to focus on macros and then eat as i like, protein shakes are great for this.
This isnt the best advice if your looking at aesthetics tho, but im following a strength workout so it does me good

Write it all down. Helping keep track of what you eat is key