Buy a PS4 or wait for the PS5
It is worth the wait?

[+] 1 user Likes fbgfkvbhkbdhjds68's post
I think people are speculating that the PS5 will have backwards compatibility with PS4 games, which if that is true I would say you are better off waiting for that to release rather than buying a PS4. If it isn't true however, I guess it depends on how much you really want to play any PS4 exclusives, etc. If you can't wait any longer then go get a PS4 slim new or used as they aren't terribly expensive nowadays IIRC

Just wait for the pro version or get slim version on black friday years after release.

fbgfkvbhkbdhjds68 Wrote:It is worth the wait?
It's pretty much confirmed that the PS5 will be backwards compatible, meaning you can play at least PS4 games, so you might as well get the newer/ more advanced PS5

I believe it's better to save your money for the ps5 if it is retrocompatible

wait for ps5

Wait for PS5 man how is that even a question

it will be worth the wait

I heard ps5 might be backwards compatable so yes wait

Always wait for the latest model.

if you don't have a PS4 already just wait.

i think you have to wait for the PS5

5 it will be better Get a PS5

definitely worth the wait!

Depends how quickly you want to game. Buy a pro, the resale value will still be pretty good with the PS5 comes out

saving money right now to get the PS5 so i guess it is worth it


RE: Buy a PS4 or wait for the PS5.

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Seems like it'll be backwards compatible, so it's worth to wait. Was about to get PS4 myself until I've read that.

Wait for ps5, for sure

If you have money saved for the PS5, go that route, but the PS4 will be much cheaper soon, so if you don't care about launch years PS5 games, could be worth getting a cheap PS4 for the time being.

It really depends on what games you want in ps4