Buy a console or wait and buy a PC?
Just as the tittle says, what would you do if you had the money to buy a console, would you buy it right away or wait and save money to buy a really good PC?

[+] 1 user Likes gespina582's post
PC over everything. Consoles are nice for gaming with buddies, but still, pc much more worth it imo.

[+] 1 user Likes Trapperz's post
definetly PC i don't see the point in consoles anymore

you can get games for much cheaper , the only reason u would get a console is to play exclusives games that won't cme out on pc

[+] 1 user Likes anodude's post
Almost always buy the really good PC. I’m not going to double dip on consoles either so I’ll wait for the inevitable improved consoles they will introduce halfway through the cycle like last time!

PC for sure. Much more open market for modding in games what is always a longevity to games you love. Plus if you are worried about gaming with friends over you can always link controllers up to the your pc and hook it up to a tv.

As the others have said, go for PC. Console doesn't have much to offer outside of convenience and certain online platforms that have a good social following. Granted, those two things are huge for console. But if you don't have a PC at all, go PC. You'll find yourself using it for more than just games. As as far as games go, you get Steam (and it's never ending sales), access to genres that just don't work on console (such as RTS), actually good modding instead of castrated crap like what happened on console Skyrim, etc.

Also, a few years ago AMD came back swinging and the market has been really good for consumers because of it. I have a new AMD rig and I have been very happy with it.

Wait for the pc. I'm doing same

[+] 1 user Likes TheBest InTown's post
Pc is so much better it’s not worth getting console yet.

PC for sure, everything is a pro.

Don't buy a console. You can always upgrade and replace pieces in your pc (if you build your own) and it will last you for years, you don't have to buy a dumb membership to use the online services. FPS are better on mouse and keyboard. The only thing consoles got going for them is that they are easy to use and the exclusive games.

Honestly depends on what your going to use it for, if you just want to hang out with friends definitely go with a console, but if you want better performance, and more accessibility then go with a pc

Wait for a PC, you can use a console for gaming but you can use can use a PC for everything from making a resume to video editing it's the MVP. unless you want to play Demon Souls then get a PS5.

I'd wait and buy a pc tbh its just a lot more versatile

If you have all your firends on console then get a console but if not then get a PC, so much more you can do on it.

Mainly depends on what your friends have

If you have all your friends on Playstation, get that, if they're on Xbox, you could get an xbox, but I'd rather get a PC, as most Xbox games are crossplay compatible to PC. For portability (and Nintendo exclusives) a Nintendo Switch is worth considering.