Buy games and don't play them
I played probably 20% of the games I bought. I have this bad habit of buying games even if I am busy doing other things. This always happens during the sales period or if I see some interesting bundle. Do you buy games knowing that you will never play them? How many?

I’m sort of on a different boat I collect them from epic but have yet to install em

This happened to me with cod cold war. I knew I shouldn't have bought it but I still did. Probably played a solid 4 hours and never again

did this with breath of the wild, even though i fully have the means to play it aside from school being in the way

Gears of War 5. My co-op friend kept getting motion sickness and throwing up lol. Never did finish it.

There's just so many games available, but I suppose I'd rather have the problem of too many games, then not having anything to play

i do this more on steam, when i have a physical copy of a game i usually will play it at least once

Lol I do the exact thing but I do eventually play them it just takes for ever this happened very frequently on my 3ds and now I own like 30+ Games on it that I haven’t played