Buying New Laptop. Msi GS66 any good?
looking to buy a new laptop and thinking to buy the MSI GS66 is it good for the price? or are there better mid ranged gaming laptops out there?   Idea

If you are just looking for a laptop over a pc, yeah sure the MSI GS66 should last you your money’s worth.

[+] 1 user Likes jonjon12's post
yes the msi gs66 is great if youre just looking for a gaming laptop for travelling and stuff

For that price range, how you considered a Razer Blade 15?
I've had one for a year now and have no issues running flagship titles on it.
Also the build materials are a lot more premium then the GS66

[+] 1 user Likes blitzny's post
Personally I would stay far away from MSI laptops. In my experience they tend to fall apart into nothing in ~a year. I would recommend Dell, ASUS, or Razer over them every time.