RE: C++ Resources.
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I personally have read Meyers' "Effective" series. It is relatively popular. As it is mentioned in the answer on the link, it highlights best practices, as well as advanced techniques in the "More effective" one. As long as I can recall, I think many things described in the latter book are not being the best solutions for the specific problem it solves, since it was written more than 2 decades ago, although it can be handy if you have to work with older libraries.
All in all, if you can already program in c++, i recommend reading Effective c++ 3rd edition, and Effective modern C++ afterwards. This should update your knowledge up until C++14.
If you can't program in it yet, you can look up the mentioned introductory books from the link I pasted.
As a sidenote, will be your best friend while learning. It is a neat documentation by the previous, current and upcoming standards, and also has some descriptions about the parts of the language.