CGI in media
Are there any movies or other pieces of media that come to mind where the CGI in them ages particularly poorly? For me personally, the one that always comes to mind would be “The Rock” Scorpion King in The Mummy movie. It just meshed so poorly with the environment and it didn’t look natural at all by any stretch of the imagination. Conversely, are there any movies where you think the CGI that they did stood the test of time very well? Jurassic Park did it particularly well in my eyes but I suppose that is also due partly to the fact that they didn’t rely purely on CGI to carry their film but they also used practical effects and other techniques to make it work. Overall though, I still never cease to be amazed by that film to this day

Corridor digital did a video a while back where they try to fix the cgi from the mummy. If you havent seen it, i suggest you check it out

Scooby Doo: The Movie. I liked watching it while I was younger, looking back at it the CGI wasn't too hot.