Call of duty cold war
What is everyone’s thoughts on call of duty Cold War?? Game seems super campy to me compared to other cod’s but curious what everyone thinks!

[+] 1 user Likes joachimlee's post
It's pretty boring

[+] 1 user Likes Eatp00p's post
yeah, it's kind aboring. the gameplay is a bit monotone.
need more challanges and deeper storyline

Zombies is so damn trash, it doesn’t give the feeling like the other black ops zombie games imo

[+] 1 user Likes maso_robert's post
It doesn't feel like a finished game. I assume production got called because of Covid but they just released it anyway because of the whole yearly game schedule. There's a good game in there but they'd have to do a lot of updates to fix it which they probably won't because by the time they're dine a new COD will be out. Really not the game to bring me back to the franchise after nearly a decade

gameplay was not great and the graphics were sub par at best. but i love video games that take place in the 20th century so i thought it was ok

The balance of the weapons choice is not good. Remember OG Black Ops you could legit use any AR and win