Call of duty cold war
Can somebody tell me with the new call of duty (cold war). If really is worth it buying, it looks like the old cod like black ops 1.
But still i am not sure, like how it is the multiplayer, the loud out of the classes.
How it is the zombie mode if is simple as the old ones or those crazy stuff if no sense at all.
What  you guys think, it really is worth it

You should probably wait unless you enjoy the single player campaign. The single player was pretty good. Multi I think is similar to the rest. If you're itching for a CoD multi game, you can get away with playing the older titles or maybe Warzone is better since it is free?

[+] 1 user Likes darktaojun's post
Wow thanks man for the advice , i pretty fond of single player

about the CoD warzone i have a problem with that game, my pc don't really have enough ram to run it, it has been i little time since i played but i believe it's only online and battle royal (from i know)  and it's not my cup of tea

I really prefer it to the MW engine, a lot more fun to play. Much faster paced.

[+] 1 user Likes Paul1991's post
I've just started playing cold war. Seems like a fun game.

[+] 1 user Likes Theweak's post
gonna stick to warzone for me...although i am so tired of seeing cold war ads they may just force me to buy it

[+] 1 user Likes peppnipps69's post
I think that game is a waste of time

[+] 1 user Likes timmettt's post
Cod Cold War is an amazing game love the zombies kinda miss the old point perk and box systems but still fun

[+] 1 user Likes Goldfish275's post
I’m not a fan just based alone off the hd space it takes

[+] 1 user Likes hurtbusiness's post