Can I work as a programmer without diplomas?
I like programming and I've been learning through youtube videos and internet forums for 6 years now. I progressed a LOT LOT LOT compared to when I was in college which is why I'm planning to drop off college and start  working. But Im worried that companies won't recruit me because no degree even though Im way more skilled than students in my field.
Any thought/ help? I would appreciate it

ABSOLUTELY! A degree just helps to open the door. As long as you are a good coder, you can easily find a job. And if you're really good, you'll be in demand! But without a degree, you need to show that you have the chops in some other way. I suggest starting a github account, contributing meaningfully to some open source projects or starting your own. Make sure that your work is out there and you're being helpful, and the jobs will find you.

I know a lot of people with diplomas that I don't trust to code a simple Hello World... Make a good portfolio to show your worth in jobs interviews and good luck Wink

Personally, I think it depends on where you are willing to work and what carrer are you planning to have. If you are wiling to work as a freelancer it won't matter if you have diplomas or not. All that matters is what you re able to do. Go for it.

100%. Experience is better than a degree every time.

Maybe it depends on the country, but in Belgium you get paid more because you have a degree. 5 years experience + 3 years school to get the degree pays better than 8 years experience. They just want to see that piece of paper for some reason. Of course if you are really good and have a good portfolio you can talk around it but in reality you better get that degree.

I would not recommend dropping college, of you course you can find jobs, but salary can be lower and there many thing you need to learn at college even if you don't want to.

Yes, yes and yes.

if you are good, why not?

I think so. I have worked with many people with only a HS degree. Luckily this field is really dependent on ability not degree.