Can Liverpool make a comeback at anfield without fans?
How much do fans actually impact a team like Liverpool? With fans I would have faith in a comeback but I believe Real Madrid will be able to comfortably hold onto their lead with no pressure from the home fans

Nope that's not gonna happen unfortantely... it's a big loss for them

Liverpool is not in the best form atm so Real Madrid will win

Scoring 2 goals against Madrid without conceding seems a bit too difficult for current Liverpool, if they had Van Djik it might have been a different story

this season is a write off for them, rebuild in the summer, the defence needs an overhall and some depth

Really don't think liverpool can comeback
Real Madrid is too tough and I'm getting a feeling RM is lifting the trophy this year

Liverpool is the prime example of a team that needs fan support. There's a reason that playing away at Anfield usually ends poorly for many teams.

No, but Liverpool dangerous