Can scarves protect us from the pandemic?
Do scarves provide the same level of protection as mask?

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Depends on the mask and if it's worn properly - N95/99/100s etc are useless for most people because they don't know how to wear them properly. A scarf's effectiveness is probably somewhere between 'a bit better than nothing' and a surgical mask.

Given the new guidance recently issued to wear face coverings, I think it can be effective. However it's not actually filtering out viruses exactly. The material isn't up to spec. What it does help is limit the spread of any coughing/sneezing if you yourself have those symptoms, it's helpful in prevent too much incidental face touching, and abstractly I think it helps remind other people about social distancing when they see everyone with the face coverings.

Great explanation. Yeah a scarf is probably better than nothing, but wearing a mask (if available) is definitely the better choice.

id doubt it i thinkk scarfs have to much gaps

Scarfs do not provide reliable protection. If anything it might help calm your anxiety of getting the virus. Best practice would be to constantly wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

I guess washing hands and social distancing are the best way to keep us safe then

Like some people here mentioned, something is better than nothing, but what's better than something is having both! a scarf and a mask!

I guess it's better than nothing. Although I also recommend those plastic face shields or something? The virus travels mostly through particles and the face shield covers enough of vitals on your face to keep these particles the fuck off. The mask is added protection.

Social distancing man