Canceled Games that you Wish they brought back
What canceled games do you wish they actually created? My two are soulbound the game about dragons and Titanfall 3

[+] 1 user Likes Nope3's post
i’m still holding out hope for a titanfall 3

I really liked the footage of Star Wars 1313 that was released just before Disney closed Lucas Arts.
It looked like a good 3rd person shooter.

[+] 1 user Likes Gpunter's post
I would love to see that old Halo for the DS project come to fruition. I don't even think that I would have played it, it's just a ridiculous idea that I wish was real.

Starcraft Ghost

[+] 1 user Likes millar J's post
I still think Scalebound had potential. Sure it seemed like they were trying to do too much, but if they toned down on the content a bit and made it a more focused experience...I think it really could've worked!

I mean, very few games utilize dragons well. I either want to play as one or have one as a partner, and so far very few games can deliver. Not including Spyro or Pokemon, I mean a more realistic dragon.

[+] 1 user Likes LewdingGold's post
I would like a new Monkey Island


Half Life 2 - Episode 3 :/