Capitol police couldn't have done anything
There's a lot of pictures showing the capitol police opening the barricade to let in the MAGA crowd into the Capitol building. However, the crowd was so big that I don't think they really had a choice as it was not exactly a peaceful protest. Maybe them letting the mob in just incited more violence, but wouldn't they have stormed in anyways?

Things pretty much got out of hand, The guards were having trouble with the protesters, they barged into every room possible.its pretty mucha Civil War at this point.

Its odd that when there is a peaceful protest of black people, the cops show up in full force and kit. Then beat gas the crap out of them. When white people do it, there's not enough to stop them breaking into a live hearing...

i think its utterly ridiculous.. if uve ever been to DC... well i dont know actually... but it seems like theres cops EVERYWHERE usually...

bro they could've done way more. they was takin selfies with them bruh. they let em in. like bro how do you have one side of the guards be scrapping with the protesters, but then the other side letting them in? where's the coordination lol...

You are right, not much they could have done tbh.

They just needed more officers on duty

Yep just needed more guards on duty definitely

The CP refused offers of help from the National Guard, and other agencies in the area, I would pressure they wanted it to get ugly, and messy then once they were in then they called for back-up